Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Day 18 | God's Plan is Best


Because God loves you and you love him, you can know that his plan is the best plan for your life. Even when life is tough and confusing, and you can’t make sense of the troubles you’re going through, you can be confident that God is watching out for you, and he is working everything out for your good. He promised he would!


We know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
Romans 8:28 (TLB)




What did you hear?
What did God say to you as you read today's Bible passage? What word or phrase was most meaningful to you?


What do you think?
What does this passage mean to you? How does it apply to your life?


What is your prayer?
This is where you turn your thoughts into prayer. It could be a prayer of gratitude or praise. It could be a prayer of confession or a request for God's help. It's up to you. But take a minute to write a prayer of response to God.

Prepared by Saddleback Community Church

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