Saturday, September 15, 2018

Day 35 | Do You Need a Breakthrough?



Do you need a breakthrough today—in a relationship, or your finances, or your career, or a habit? Does it seem like you have been praying forever, and nothing has happened? Don’t give up. God knew about your need even before you did, and he has already started the process of answering your prayer. Though the answer has been delayed, it will come suddenly. Keep praying. Stay faithful. Stay watchful. Your breakthrough is on its way.


While I kept on praying and confessing my sin and the sins of my people, and pleading with the Lord, suddenly the angel Gabriel appeared in my vision and said to me, “Daniel, I’ve been sent to help you understand God’s plan. The moment you began praying, an answer was given, and I’m here to tell it to you, for God loves you very much."
Daniel 9:20-23




What did you hear?
What did God say to you as you read today's Bible passage? What word or phrase was most meaningful to you?


What do you think?
What does this passage mean to you? How does it apply to your life?


What is your prayer?
This is where you turn your thoughts into prayer. It could be a prayer of gratitude or praise. It could be a prayer of confession or a request for God's help. It's up to you. But take a minute to write a prayer of response to God.

Prepared by Saddleback Community Church

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